

html, css, django, django web framework, python, dataidea, data science, web development, website, python web development, django web development, what is Django, Django Course, Django Course Outline

Module 1: Understanding Web Architecture:

  • Overview of client-server architecture and the role of web browsers and servers.
  • Introduction to HTTP protocol and the request-response cycle.
  • Exploring the front-end and back-end components of web development.
  • Review of HTML and CSS

Module 2: Introduction to Django

  • Understanding the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
  • Installing Django and setting up a project
  • Creating and configuring Django apps
  • Overview of Django’s file structure

Module 3: Building Models

  • Introduction to Django models and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
  • Defining models and fields
  • Database migrations with Django’s built-in migration system
  • Performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations with models

Module 4: Views and Templates

  • Creating views and URL patterns
  • Rendering templates with Django’s template engine
  • Passing data from views to templates
  • Utilizing template inheritance and template tags

Module 5: Forms and Form Handling

  • Creating HTML forms using Django’s Form class
  • Validating form data and handling form submissions
  • Customizing form behavior and appearance
  • Using Django’s built-in form processing features

Module 7: Authentication and Authorization

  • Implementing user authentication with Django’s built-in authentication system
  • Managing user accounts: registration, login, logout, and password reset
  • Understanding user permissions and authorization
  • Securing views and restricting access to authenticated users

Module 8: Django Admin Interface

  • Overview of Django’s admin interface and its features
  • Customizing the admin interface: registering models, customizing forms, and list displays
  • Adding custom actions and filters to the admin interface
  • Securing and restricting access to the admin interface

Module 9: Working with Static Files and Media

  • Handling static files (CSS, JavaScript, images) in Django projects
  • Configuring Django to serve static files in development and production environments
  • Uploading and serving media files (user-uploaded files) in Django applications
  • Using third-party libraries for advanced static files management

Module 9: REST APIs with Django Rest Framework (Optional)

  • Introduction to RESTful APIs and their principles
  • Installing and configuring Django Rest Framework
  • Building RESTful APIs for CRUD operations using Django models
  • Authentication, permissions, and serialization in Django Rest Framework

Module 10: Integration of Machine Learning Models

  • Overview of integrating machine learning models into Django applications
  • Preparing machine learning models for deployment: training, evaluation, and serialization
  • Integrating machine learning models with Django views for real-time predictions
  • Handling input data and formatting output predictions in Django templates

Module 11: Deployment and Scaling

  • Preparing a Django project for deployment: settings management, security considerations, and environment setup
  • Deploying Django applications to popular hosting platforms (Heroku, PythonAnywhere, DigitalOcean, etc.)
  • Configuring production servers and web servers (Gunicorn, Nginx, etc.)
  • Strategies for scaling Django applications to handle increased traffic and load

Couse Projects

  • Chatbot (with AI)
  • Plant Disease Detector AI
  • Mental Health Website (with a chatbot)

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